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Blyth beach huts (Portra 400)St Pancras station concourse (Ilford PanF)Piccadilly circus (Ilford Pan F)St Abbs head (Fuji Acros 100)Viharamahadevi Buddha (Fuji Acros 100)Bamburgh castle from south-west (Ilford Delta XPS 400)St Mary's lighthouse high tide (Ilford Delta XPS 400)Bamburgh from beach, cloudy (Washi Torinoko)Belsay Hall (Ilford PanF)Brirtish museum (Ilford PanF)British museum (Ilford PanF)Flower field in summer (Ilford PanF)Gangaramaya Lake Buddha (Acros 100)Gateway, Richmond park (Ilford PanF)Hareshaw linn (Delta XPS400)Jennifer and friends, South Gare (Acros 100)Kings college cathedral, Cambridge (Washi Torinoko)Saltburn pier (Ilford PanF)Herd Groyne, South Shields (Ilford PanF)Kews of trees (Ilford PanF)